How to Train a Dog With a Shock Collar

How to Train a Dog With a Shock Collar |

Oh! Look who got a new dog, and need some help with training him/her. No worries, we got your back, and we will tell you how to train a dog with a shock collar.

So, I believe you are here because your dog is making you miserable. Don’t worry you, you are not alone. We all were too excited about getting a new puppy once, and it turned out to be a lot more challenging than we expected.

Dogs are very smart, loyal, and easy trained animals. However, sometimes they get distracted with other things; which affects their ability to concentrate with you. Therefore, some dog owners and trainers prefer using a shock collar.

But, are shock collars the best solution? Well, to be perfectly honest, I prefer using positive reinforcement for training. I believe that dogs are very unique creatures, that should be treated gently.

how to train a dog with a shock collar
Don’t force them…

Moreover, dogs can be really stubborn, and aggressive sometimes, if you tried to force them on doing something they don’t want to do, and I don’t like this kind of relationships between a dog, and his/her owner.

However, sometimes some owners prefer using the dog shock collar while training his/her dog; So, let me show you how to train a dog with a shock collar, without hurting your dog.

When should you start shock collar training?

Well, it is acceptable to use a shock collar on an 8-to-10 week old puppy, but it is highly recommended to not do that in that early age and to give your puppy his/her time to learn; according to his/her normal learning curve.

Puppies are like children; they take their time exploring the world, knowing new things, and learning the basic commands. You can’t force them to learn beyond their learning curve by using the shock collar, try other methods at first; you have the positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and the reward-based training. Make the shock collar training your last option.

And, if you are wondering how to train your dog to walk on a leash, or what are the basic commands you can teach your dog; without the shock collar. Check those links.

how to train a dog with a shock collar
Do you think they really need a shock collar?

However, If you found that all of the other training methods are not working with your dog, and you really need that shock collar; here are two of our best dog shock collars, that can help you with the barking, running away, or any other undesirable problem.

Dog Shock Collar:

The Dog Shock Collar is perfect for parents; who are using the shock collar on their dog for the first time, it is not expensive, easy-to use, and reliable.

The Vibration and shock function in the DogShockCallar comes with an adjustable stimulation range of 0-100, and other e-collar feature such as; shock, beep, and light. Also, it can perfectly cover 330 yards (300 Meter) range; it will excel in the back yard, and park training.

how to train a dog with a shock collar
Dog Shock Collar

What is really amazing about this DogShockCaller, is that you can control the intensity of the jolt, so you don’t cause any harm to your dog. And after your dog understands the training, you can lower the intensity of the jolt.

Moreover, DogShockCollars are rechargeable collars that are able to fit small, medium, and large dogs. It also resists water, so your dog ran away while it’s raining, and you cannot make him/her stop; the DogShock Collar will help you stop him/her.

DogShockCollar, also comes with a light mood, to assist you in low light condition. And, thanks to the unbeatable SALE on the DogShockCollar, you can ORDER NOW, and SAVE 40%.

How to train a dog with a shock collar?

Again, a bit like everything else, if you overused the shock collar it will have a very negative effect on your dog; not just physically, but also mentally he/she can grow up stressed, anxious, and afraid of you. We don’t want that. Only use the ‘how to train a dog with a shock collar’ method, if it is your only option.

1- Let your dog get used to the shock collar.

Don’t use the shock collar on your dog right away, remember; your dog doesn’t understand what is that, and now it is hurting him/her, too. Just get the shock collar, put it on your dog’s neck, and have it there for a week without using.

You don’t want your dog to conclude that the collar is what is causing him/her the pain, you want him/her to understand that the behavior you are trying to stop, is the one that causes him/her the pain; so, he stop the behavior.

But, if you kept shocking him/her right away, he will know that what causes the pain is the collar itself, not the behavior; so, he/she will be aggressive, anxious and want that thing off his/her neck.

2- Start at the lowest level of stimulation.

If you turned your shock collar on at the highest level of stimulation right away, your dog will be in severe pain, and again, he/she will not understand what is happening, and why the collar is hurting him/her.

Start at the lowest level of stimulation, and observe your dog; If your dog started moving his/her ear or started to act weird trying to get the collar out of his/her neck, that means that he/she felt it, so no need to change it to the next level. If he/she didn’t react, just turn it to the next level, and observe.

3- Show your dog what you want him/her to do, before using the shock collar.

It is very simple; You have to make sure that your dog fully understands your order, before waiting for him/her to obey. So, if your order is not clear enough, your dog will not understand, and of course, will not obey your order.

A shock collar is not a teaching method; it is a tool that is used to speed up the training; or helping your dog understand that specific behavior is not accepted. Therefore, you should be clear, work with your dog, and show him/her exactly what you want.

Therefore, make a clear order, and wait for him/her to understand it.

4- Only one simple command.

You and your dog are not speaking the same language, therefore, you need to give him/her one command, only one. Don’t just tell your dog sit, stay, and come; and then shock him/her for not understanding.

So, one command each time; for instance, ask your dog to sit. If your dog was already paying attention, and following your instructions, don’t use the shock collar, and give him/her a treat. But, If your dog is not paying attention, after you made your command clear, press the button, then praise your dog as soon as he/she responds.

5- Don’t let your dog see you.

you don’t want your dog to see that you are the one who is causing him/her the unpleasant feeling around his/her neck. All you want him/her to understand is his/her behavior is the one that caused him/her that unpleasant feeling, so don’t show him/her the remote.

6- Higher-level is not better.

When using the shock collar, YOU DON’T NEED TO USE THE HIGHEST LEVEL. The highest will not make your dog understand better, or listen to you faster, it will only cause your dog pain, and will make him/ her feel awful.

Your dog should respond to the training she the collar is at low stimulation, if not, just try other training methods, or ask for expert help.

What is your dog’s annoying problem doesn’t need a shock collar?

However, some problems doesn’t need a shock collar, for instance; if your dog barks a lot. You don’t need a shock collar for a barking problem, you can use the NoBarkCollar.

No Bark Collar:

The NoBarkCollar, is actually a spray collar; It is safe, affective, and more ethical.

I know that sometimes dog’s bark can drive you crazy; sometimes dogs are bored, and they start to bark for a long time, and if you are sleeping or have an important appointment in the morning, you will need him/her to stop barking, now!

Unlike the shock collars, NoBarkCollars has no long-term negative effect on your dog. It will not make your dog aggressive, anxious, or fearful. With the NoBarkCollars, you can train your dog to stop barking, remotely.

how to train a dog with a shock collar
No bark Collar

Not just that, the NoBarkCollars are also very lightweight, it is (118 gm), which means that it will not annoy your dog’s neck while wearing it. It also works underwater, so don’t worry if it started raining; actually, it will work perfectly fine with you if your dog is anxious to thunder and lightning, too.

NoBarksCollars can be used for any dog that’s older than 6 months, and weights between (20-60 lb), or (10-30 kg). Moreover, you can control the amount of spray you are going to use; to fit your dog perfectly, and makes him/her comfortable using it. Get in NOW and SAVE 25%

Positive Reinforcement VS Negative Reinforcement. 

To sum things up, Positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement, are both methods to train your dog. Some parents prefer using positive reinforcement, even if it took a long time, but it will keep his/her dog physically, and mentally healthy.

However, other parents prefer using the negative reinforcement, for instance; the shock collar, taking your dog’s favorite toy away, … etc. And they believe that it is the best way to train their dog.

According to researches, negative reinforcement is not the best way o training your dogs. And, dogs should be treated gently, by applying the positive reinforcement methods. Moreover, they believe that negative reinforcement changes the dog’s attitude to the worst.

how to train a dog with a shock collar
be gentle…

We, at Glamorous Dogs, believe that every dog owner loves his/her dog, and we can’t tell you what you should/shouldn’t do with your dog. But, our duty is to reveal the truth about everything; the bright side, and the dark side of everything, and give you solutions to be able to make the right decisions.

Therefore, we are doing our best to give you the right answer to every question you have. But, for the ‘How to train a dog with a shock collar’ question, we cannot tell you what is the right thing to do; it is your call.

If you decided that your dog needs that shock collar, get him/her one, just pay attention to not hurt him. If you found that you can train him/her using the positive reinforcement training method, we will be so happy, as usual, to help.

If you are interested in knowing what are our top picks for dog collars, harnesses, and leashes for 2019 .. click here. You will be AMAZED!

Now, Why don’t you tell us more about your training methods?

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