A German Shepherd was shot down by a family's neighbor. Will the neighbor pay up for his crime. To know more about the topic, check the
The incident happened in Antrim County at 7:00 am where it was never expected that it would happen.
It was a really cruel incident where the one year German Shepherd, Loki, was shot down while being outside with another dog.
Investigators discovered the shooter who was the family’s neighbor. The inhumane neighbor confessed that he did shoot Loki because he growled at him.
So, how did the family discover that Loki was shot before his confession?
According to Loki’s dog parents, after 20 minutes from being outside, the other dog who accompanied Loki came home alone without him by his side.
They started to worry but a few minutes later they saw Loki dragging himself up the driveway with his injuries.
The family tried every possible way to treat him; however, his injuries were too serious that they, unfortunately, had to put Loki down.
But, will the neighbor get the punishment he deserves? Currently, the report is being forwarded to the prosecutor’s office for the right action to take against this cruel neighbor.
Share your opinion. Do you think Loki will get the justice he deserves?
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