Just like us humans, as well as other animals, kittens lose their baby teeth. I know that the idea of discovering that your kitten has a few missing teeth might be scary, but today, I am going to discuss everything related to how, why, and when do kittens lose their baby teeth.
So, when do kitten lose their baby teeth?
Of course, the start and end time process of losing the baby teeth and getting adult teeth varies from one kitty to the next. However, Kittens typically begin losing their baby teeth when they are three months old, and the process ends when they are between six and nine months old.
If you want to be aware of how, why, and when your precious kitten is going to lose their baby teeth, and you want to learn more about the sign and symptoms, then make sure that you continue reading this post.
Table of Contents
When do kittens lose their baby teeth?
Before we start talking about when do kittens lose their baby teeth, we should try to understand how teething in cats work, and when do they grow their baby teeth in the first place.
Teething in cats 101
Fun Fact: Kittens are actually born without any teeth!
This means that kittens have to grow their baby teeth and lose their baby teeth in order to develop their adult teeth, but why do they have to go through this entire process? Let us read ” when do kitten teeth start growing” to find the answer.
When do kitten teeth start growing?
- When a kitten is about two weeks old, their little incisors that can be found at the front of their mouth begin to show up through their gums.
- When the kitten is about one month old, their fangs, which are also known as their canine teeth, will be emerged.
- The premolars will emerge when a kitten is about six weeks old.
- All of these teeth are the kitten’s baby teeth. The baby or milk teeth are also called the deciduous teeth since the kitten is going to lose them soon.
- Kittens end up having a total of twenty-six baby or deciduous teeth.
- A kitten is going to have a total of twelve incisors, with three incisors being on each side of the upper teeth set and three incisors being on each side of the lower teeth set.
- A kitten is going to have a total of four canine teeth, with one canine tooth being placed on each side of the upper teeth set and one canine tooth being on each side of the lower teeth set.
- Finally, a kitten is going to have a total of ten premolars, with three premolars being placed on each side of the upper teeth set and two premolars being placed on each side of the lower teeth set.
Why do kittens start growing baby teeth?
When a kitten begins growing their baby or deciduous teeth, they trigger their weaning process.
A kitten’s baby teeth irritate the mother when she is nursing her kittens. Once the mother becomes irritated, she begins the weaning process of her kittens. During that time, the kitten starts eating solid food and eventually stops relying on their mother for nutrition.
What are the characteristics of a kitten’s baby teeth?
The deciduous or baby teeth small so they can fit inside a kitten’s small mouth, a bit translucent due to the tooth tissue’s low density, and fragile if compared to the teeth of an adult cat.
Do cats lose their baby teeth?
Yes, cats lose their baby teeth, just like how human kids and puppies lose their baby teeth. The deciduous or baby teeth are supposed to be replaced by adult teeth, which, unlike the baby teeth, are actually permanent.
I know that it is worrying to see one of your precious kitten’s teeth stuck in a toy or on their fur, but the process is entirely normal. Is your kitten going to be a bit uncomfortable during their teething process? Yes. But is it normal? Also yes.
All you have to do is regularly take a look at your kitten’s teeth to ensure that everything is okay. Dental care is rarely required and should take place if you notice that the new teeth are not fitting properly inside your kitten’s mouth.
Speaking of kitten teething, Fact Five has a fantastic video on Kitten Teething. I highly recommend that you check it out.
When do kittens start losing their baby teeth?
- Kittens begin losing their baby teeth when they are around three months old.
- When they are about four months old, the permanent incisors are typically in place.
- When they are about five months old, all of the permanent canine teeth are typically in place.
- When they are six months old, all of the premolars should be in place.
- By their early adulthood, your cat is going to have four molars, leaving them with thirty permanent teeth.
How do kittens lose their baby teeth?
The development of permanent teeth in the gum applies pressure on the baby teeth’s roots. This causes the gums to become swollen and sore and will leave your kitten in a state of minimal discomfort.
This pressure exerted by the developing permanent teeth causes the kitten’s gums to begin absorbing the roots. This causes the crowns to loosen up and fall. Your kitten will start chewing on things to relive this tenderness. They might even drool or have an unusual breath odor.
However, all of that will go away once the permanent teeth are in place. Since I have mentioned a few symptoms, let us list more symptoms and signs that you should notice when your kitten begins losing their teeth.
What are the symptoms and signs associated with kittens losing their baby teeth?
Cats losing their baby teeth symptoms include the following:
- If your cat begins pawing their mouth, drooling, and have bleeding gum, then they might be losing their baby teeth. However, these symptoms could also be signs of many other dental conditions, so a trip to the vet is recommended.
- If your kitten begins consuming less food or they are chewing on their food more tentatively or slower than usual, this means that their gums are hurting. If you notice that they have lost weight, then a trip to the vet is highly recommended.
P.S: Make sure to switch your kitten’s food to Kitten soft food to make the process of eating less painful for them.
- If you notice that your cat has been excessively chewing on almost anything and everything, then this could be a sign that their teething process has begun.
- The kitten could experience a mild case of gingivitis, which is a condition where the gums are inflamed, and it is often accompanied by bad breath. If the gingivitis is due to the teething process, then the issue will resolve on its own once the permanent teeth are entirely out.
Other Questions related to when do kittens lose their baby teeth
What age do kittens lose their baby teeth?
Kitten begin losing their baby teeth when they are about three months old. However, it is essential to note that this the average age at which kittens lose their baby teeth. They might begin losing their baby teeth a little bit before or after they turn three months old.
Is it normal for kittens to lose their baby teeth?
Yes, it is normal for cats to lose their baby teeth. Like us, humans, as well as other pets and animals, cats lose their baby teeth and transition to have adult teeth. This process begins when they are about three months old and ends when they are between six and nine months old.
That’s it for today’s post. You should now know that it is entirely normal for kittens to lose their baby teeth and replace them with adult teeth.
This transitioning teething phase typically occurs when a kitten is three months old, and it comes to an end when they are between six and nine months old.
My Sources
- Understanding Teething in Kittens
- When Do Kittens Lose Their Baby Teeth?
- Pet Dental Care: How (and When) Do Cats Lose Baby Teeth?
- How to help a kitten that is teething
- Why Kittens Lose Their Teeth