Two Women Rescue Dog Dragged Along Scooter On Its Way to Be Sold for Meat

Two Women Rescue Dog Dragged Along Scooter On Its Way to Be Sold for Meat |

A heartless man in Vietnam was dragging a dog alongside his Scooter on his way to the slaughterhouse to sell the dog for meat.

Fortunately, two women spotted the man and immediately intervened. In the video, the dog was first running alongside the scooter, but the man kept increasing his speed to the point where the dog could no longer keep up, so he was dragged behind.

Two Women Rescue Dog Dragged Along Scooter On Its Way to Be Sold for Meat |

You can see the dog’s blood on the ground from contact with the hot asphalt at speed when the two women stopped him. The heartless man didn’t care and was going fast despite everything.

He even had a rope tied around the dog’s neck and was holding the rope tightly as he was riding the scooter.

The women were able to film the incident, catch up to the man, and stop him. They demanded that the dog be released to them and they were not going to take no for an answer.

Two Women Rescue Dog Dragged Along Scooter On Its Way to Be Sold for Meat |

A man quickly picked up on the fight and intervened to help the two ladies free the dog from the monster. The cruel man refused to release the dog at first but the ladies refused everything he said and had no plan on letting him go with the dog.

In the end, the man was forced to release the dog to them and they immediately rushed the dog to the vet for emergency treatment for his wounds.

Thank you, brave ladies, for saving the dog’s life.

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