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The best way to clip dog nails: simple and pain-free.
Finding the best way to clip dog nails may be a bit challenging at first. When is it time for a new clipping session, how short should their nails be, and how can I find the quick the easiest way?
When should I clip my dogs’ nails?
Despite the exact answer differing from breed to breed, the average amount of time that should pass between each nail trimming session should be about 1 to maximum 2 months.
Keep in mind that your canines front nails tend to grow faster than their hind legs nails, so you may need to trim those a little bit more regularly
Also, if it sounds like your dog is rocking some high heels on the parakeet floor, that is another indication that it is time to trim dog nails.
Why is nail clipping important?
If your dogs’ nails aren’t cut it may have serious health consequences.
Not only would they be extremely uncomfortable, but too long nails may also cause joint and bone problems.
Some dogs nails may curl inwards and start digging into the foot pad. This can lead to infections and other issues.
Sometimes, long nails can snag and break, which would require a trip to the veterinarian. Your dog may need sedation for removal or repair of their damaged nail, and let’s be honest, no one wants that.
Factors that may affect nail growth:
Since older doggos tend to not walk around as much as their younger relatives, they are less likely to naturally wear down their nails. This means they may need more frequent clipping sessions.
2. Activity
If you take your talk for frequent walks on hard surfaces such as pavements, the will naturally wear down their nails. Clippings may not be needed as often in this case.
As mentioned above, the regularity of nail trimming may depend on your pups breed. Breeds that spend a lot of times indoors, may need trimming way more in compare to their outside buddies.
On that note, I have often seen the misconception of small dogs (Chihuahuas, Yorkshires, e.t.c….) being kept as purse dogs or indoor dogs. That is VERY wrong!
A small dog does not equal less exercise
Sure, they may not need as much exercise as a Husky does, but that doesn’t mean that they are completely content only sitting at home. Their ancestors were wild wolves after all!
4. Environment
The area you are raising your dog in can have a huge impact on their nails. Like in the previous point, letting your dog walk on pavement can actually be good every once in a while.
If you live somewhere close to the forest or the beach, try taking them on “rougher” terrains. That means hardened dirt roads from frequent use or hardened sand due to the tide and ebb.
5. Nail length
The natural length of your dogs nail is another factor to consider.
Extra long nails should be trimmed over various sessions , and not all at once.
Make sure to never cut into the quick while clipping, as this could turn into a painful experience for your dog.
The best way to clip dog nails

As seen in the illustration above, a dog’s toenail is made up of two parts. The nail itself and the quick, (also referred to as quickening).
The nail itself can be transparent or black.
On the other hand, you will find that the quick is pink due to the blood flowing through it. Thanks to the quick, your pups’ nails are provided with blood.
Strongly avoid cutting it due as it can lead to quite a bit of bleeding as well as cause your canine pain. Don’t worry they won’t hold it against you for the next twenty years to come.
If like me you become worried about hurting your dog, consult a professional about it first.
Tools you should have at hand
Dog nail trimmers are important dog grooming tools. But there are many more items you should have at hand to make the experience truly rewarding for your dog.
The most essential thing that you could ever need. Forget nail clippers and other tools altogether. This is the only thing you will ever need to make your dogs nail trimming experience enjoyable.
But jokes aside, after wrapping up a nail trimming session you should reward your dog with a head pat, “Good boy/girl” and a hug. A little yummy treat doesn’t seem too bad either….
2.Styptic Powder
Writing this word down the first time made me question the English language a little bit. Doesn’t it look like a Greek word?
Anyway, you should always keep a little bit extra powder on you if you are planning on cutting your dogs’ nails by yourself.
In case you happen to accidently cut into the quick, this powder is sure to make the bleeding stop immediately.
3.Nail grinder of clipper

The nail grinder is essentially an electronic sand paper that can help you grind away at your dogs’ nails. It takes more time than to clip them, and is better suited for calm dogs that can sit still for a while.
However, you can also use it on a nervous dog, where you are afraid of using the nail clipper with. Therefore, it is less likely to accidently cut into the quick.
I know this may sound a disclaimer, but please remember that I am no Veterinarian. That means that all I can do is give my advice as a fellow dog enthusiast to loving pet owners that want to make their dogs happy.
It may be best to contact your vet before starting to clip your dogs’ nails. I am sure that they can help you with cutting your dogs nails the first time around.
After that, I am sure you are more than capable of doing that at home on your own. I hope that I was able to help find the best way to clip your dogs’ nails. Let me know in the comments if I missed anything. read you next time.