Puppy crate training schedule, when adopting a dog is, in most cases, to spend as much time as possible with him, to take him everywhere and make him discover a maximum of nice places.
Your dog does not like the car, he vomits on every trip, he is stressed, barks excessively circle the trunk, etc. Let’s discover, together, all the benefits of using a crate for a puppy.
Puppy crate training schedule:
Because your pet dog will treat his crate like a wild dog would treat his den, he will not want to mess up his sleeping space.
Therefore, you can be sure that, if it is possible, your dog will not have an accident in his crate, so when you let him out of his crate to go outside, he will naturally take this opportunity to relieve himself.
Although there are other methods of training your puppy, this is a very instinctive transition, which mainly requires that you take your puppy out of his crate at reasonable intervals to use the toilet.
In this way, your puppy will understand quite easily that it is expected that it will be needed outside, not inside.
Why crate training is good for a new puppy?
Do you still doubt the validity of the education crate? This non-exhaustive list of its advantages should convince you …
⦁ Carry your dog more easily
By familiarizing your puppy with a crate as soon as he arrives in the home, you not only create an effective method for cleanliness, you also allow him to feel comfortable with his future means of transport.
A crate is a great way to carry your puppy – whether it’s a short trip to the vet or a big move across the country – and by familiarizing your puppy with a crate from the very beginning, you’ll get the journey a lot easier and comfortable for your canine companion.
⦁ Habituate the puppy to learning
When they arrive in the family, puppies do not necessarily know how to situate themselves. If it has been a long time since we consider the dog as a being inferior to whom we constantly show who is the master, there remains no less a pack animal that needs to have a leader to rest on.
Puppy crate schedule:
crate training is a great way to establish a hierarchy in your home while your puppy is still learning what he can and cannot do. By placing your puppy in a crate during your absence, or when you are at home and his presence in a crate is preferable, you limit his access to your home. By the same, you also limit the opportunities for your dog to chew your furniture or have an accident on your living room rug … Convenient, right?
When he gets out of the crate, you observe him and can intervene very quickly if he commits a prohibited act. These reprimands for each bad behavior are consistent and help him understand what is wrong. His learning is greatly facilitated by the presence of the crate
How long does puppy crate training schedule take:
Once you have decided to start the training (as soon as possible is the best) that the adapted crate is purchased, it is time to look, finally, on the method of training at the crate for a puppy.
The time required for your puppy to tame the crate and have the desired behavior depends on several criteria such as the character of the dog, your skills as an educator, the frequency of training … But, always keep in mind that your dog must associate the crate with something nice.
Puppy crate training schedule tips:
Choosing a good education crate for your puppy
All cases are not equal. Although there are several types of a crate to choose from, you want to take one that is suited to the size of your young mate. Two types of crates are popular: plastic crates and metal crates.
⦁ Plastic crate for puppy
Plastic crates may not be the first choice for a home crate, as they offer less visibility to the puppy.
However, if you plan to fly regularly, this is a great option because all airlines require this type of crate to transport your pet.
The plastic crates are also ideal for puppies that need a little more security or for a house with a higher activity level (eg: many children who play), as this gives a little more intimacy to your puppy.
⦁ Metal crate for puppy
Metal crate is an excellent choice for creating training:
[su_note note_color=”#B6D2B0″ radius=”20″]Check out this PADSMART™ reusable pet pad if you have a puppy in potty training or a senior dog that has accidents.[/su_note]
Their mesh structure, foldable, makes them easy to disassemble and transport.
They provide good visibility and plenty of air for the puppy while in it.
They are very easy to clean if your puppy has an accident at home, especially if you have chosen one that has a removable base.
These crates are sturdy and stand up to your puppy’s onslaught, especially when he tries to bite his teeth.
Working with panels, they can be enlarged very easily by attaching two models together.
They have separators that can help you separate two puppies momentarily.
Best way to puppy crate training schedule :
⦁ Present him his crate
Before trying to lock your puppy in his new crate, or even put it inside, let him discover it. Place the crate in a room where your dog spends a lot of time. Remove or open the crate door, so your dog feels safe to explore every nook and cranny of his future home.
If he is naturally shy, it does not matter. Do not force your dog to become familiar, instead try to sit next to the crate and talk to your puppy in a friendly tone, placing treats around and then possibly inside the crate until that he enters.
Placing a blanket or familiar toy inside the crate is also a great way to get them in.
With Jodie, it was very quickly the day I brought him his first crate. She immediately sniffed all the contours before going around the owner. For Mookie, it was more complicated and as always, with this obsessed with food, the technique of candy in the crate was the one that worked.
⦁ The crate becomes his table
Once your puppy is comfortable getting in, out and spending some time inside the crate, start feeding your dog in his new home. Depending on your comfort level, place the food in the back (for dogs at ease) or around the middle (for dogs still a little suspicious).
When your puppy eats comfortably inside, start closing the door – just while he’s eating – by opening it immediately after he’s finished. From there, work until your puppy spends up to 10 minutes in his crate with the door closed after finishing his meal.
how long should a puppy be in a crate
If your puppy starts whining at this point, it could be a sign that you’ve been too fast. Return to the previous step. Continue feeding him in the crate without the farm. But, do not open the door immediately after his tears, because he would associate the opening with his request … This is not a habit that you want to start or perpetuate.
Leave him in his education crate while you are present
When your puppy eats and spends a short time in his crate after a meal without any sign of distress, it’s time to start putting your puppy in a crate for short periods while you’re at home.
Call your dog to the crate with the help of a treat and order like “Go in the crate ” or “Come to sleep” (it’s important to always use the same expression) – and once your dog is out inside, give him another treat, close the door and sit quietly with your puppy for a few minutes before letting him out. Praise him warmly for his behavior.
Then, add a few minutes of absence to this training. Try to be out of sight. With Jodie and Mookie, I left them in the living room while I lay the laundry on the balcony. The goal is to arrive up to half an hour away.
From there, you can start leaving the house with your dog in a crate for short periods of time.
Here is a list of the top 7 puppy training apps to train your puppy so you can easily have a well behaved and trained puppy.