Eddie is a rescue dog that spent months living on the streets of Washington after his owner abandoned him. When he was finally rescued and tested, they discovered the poor dog had an operable tumor and had only 6 to 12 months to live.
Despite his condition and the harsh life he suffered, Eddie is still an incredibly sweet and happy pup with a heart of gold. Brown, the woman who rescued him from the streets and brought him to Animal control, decided to try and do whatever she can to make the pup live the best life he could in the short time he has left.
So, she teamed up with her friend and Mikey’s Chance Canine Rescue and made him a bucket list. Things quickly got magical.

“We will be sad when the time comes but until then we are just going to have a lot of fun with him and make a lot of great memories for everybody,”
Kresler, Brown’s friend
Everyone worked together to make his bucket list come to life, and they had an unexpected ally; the Pasco Police.

On his bucket list was one important item; to become an honorary K9 police officer for a day, and this dream was made true with the help of the police.
They made him a custom police uniform with police patches and everything, and he got to spend the day as a K9 police officer.
He visited multiple locations including the 9-1-1 center and a donut shop. He even got to play in a pool full of stuffed animals after his workday was over.

“I thought maybe he might get his picture taken with an officer in a car, I thought maybe if he were lucky he might go for a car ride, but I never dreamed it would be this big for him,”

Eddie had a blast spending time with the police officers and getting the love he deserves. However, his bucket list doesn’t stop there. Lots of community members have been stepping forward to help him check even more items off his list.
“It’s amazing … in this little tiny community that so many people have said, you know, ‘He’s worth it, he’s worth the chance,.

Hopefully, Eddie’s story will encourage more people to adopt not shop, to be kinder to animals, and to cherish the time we have with our furry friends.
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