Internet Celeb LilyPichu Comes Clean About How She Got Her Dog Sick

Internet Celeb LilyPichu Comes Clean About How She Got Her Dog Sick |

Lili Ki, who also goes by LilyPichu, is a Twitch streamer who shared with her viewers a funny story of how Temmie, her beloved dog, got very high! But the story was not funny at first.

This all started when Lily found Timmie immobile and surrounded by puddles of puke. The puke smelled like chocolate, so she immediately took her pooch to the vet. She was very concerned and feared that Timmie was going to die.

Internet Celeb LilyPichu Comes Clean About How She Got Her Dog Sick |
Credits: This screenshot was taken from Lily’s Twitch Stream

But then, the veterinarian asked her the weirdest question ever!

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