This Cat Will Stay a Kitten Forever, And He Fights for His Life Everyday

This Cat Will Stay a Kitten Forever, And He Fights for His Life Everyday |

When Fruit’s family noticed that his walk is wobbly a few days after adopting him, they wondered if that is because he just a baby kitten or if there is something serious that is hindering him from walking properly.!)

Soon after his family noticed that, Fruit started peeing on himself, so his parents DIYed and out him in mini diaper holders.

When they got an X-ray done, there was nothing wrong with him. Even veterinarians were unable to find pinpoint what was causing all of that.

One day, Fruit got very sick. He lost a lot of his weight, and the veterinarians were telling his parents that they should put him down, but they could not do that when they saw Fruit being himself and fighting the sickness every day.

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