How to Clean Dog Ears with Hydrogen Peroxide: The Best Way

How to Clean Dog Ears with Hydrogen Peroxide: The Best Way |

How to clean dog ears with Hydrogen Peroxide? Is Hydrogen Peroxide safe for your dog? Also, it can be used to Get Stains Out of White Dog Fur

All these questions pop into the minds of dog parents as they wonder whether it is safe to use Hydrogen Peroxide.

To know more, continue on. And also, check: Dog Ear Infection Treatment – A Simple Guide

What is Hydrogen Peroxide?

Hydrogen Peroxide is a mild antiseptic used on the skin to prevent infections of minor cuts and burns. It can also be used as a mouth rinse to rinse the mouth from mucus or to relieve mouth irritation. Read Top 5 Natural Remedies for Dogs at Home. And here’s your guide on How to Groom Your Dog from A to Z?

It is made from both hydrogen and oxygen. Its chemical compound is made from H2O2. It is thicker than water and can be used as a bleaching agent.

The Hydrogen Peroxide works by releasing oxygen when applied to the affected area. It causes foaming which help remove dead skin and clean the area.

Where can you find it? You can find it in drug and grocery stores. It is sold as a diluted form mixed with water.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydrogen Peroxide

how to clean dog ears with hydrogen peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide
Credited: Indiamart

Some people use Hydrogen Peroxide when trying to clean their dog’s ears. It is antiseptic in nature and can easily be used to clean your dog’s ears.

However, there are things to consider when using Hydrogen Peroxide. The first thing is that Hydrogen Peroxide kills off all the bacteria whether good or bad in your dog’s ears.

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As a result, this will unbalance the flora balance in your dog’s ears. The Flora is good bacteria naturally there to fight off infections.

When the flora is killed, it will lead to infections.

The second thing to consider is that Hydrogen Peroxide leaves water behind after it is applied. The water is then left in the back of the dog ear canal causing problems such as the spreading of bad bacteria.

When bad bacteria spreads, it will lead to a bad ear infection.

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Also, hydrogen peroxide doesn’t kill off mites. If your dog has mites in their ears, they will need medication and for a checkup at your dog’s vet.

However, there are many advantages to using Hydrogen Peroxide. The main advantage lies in that it cleans your dog’s ears effectively by removing bad bacteria, dirt, and debris.

It also treats dog ear infections. This is due to oxidation which is used to fight off bacteria and infections that has taken place in your dog’s ears.

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Is Hydrogen Peroxide safe for your dog’s ears?

But the question remains is hydrogen peroxide safe for your dog and why would you use it if it has a number of disadvantages?

Overall, it can be used as a treatment to clean and treat your dog ears. However, it must be used through safety guidelines.

Most vets approve the use of Hydrogen Peroxide but it must be through certain guidelines:

  • Hydrogen Peroxide must be diluted in water so that it’s the effect isn’t harmful to your dog’s ears. Concentrated Hydrogen Peroxide will irritate your dog’s ears.
  • It needs to be put moderately so it doesn’t cause harmful effects to your dog’s ears.

Other vets are not keen about the idea of using Hydrogen Peroxide because it can cause many problems.

The reason is that of how it works chemically. When Hydrogen Peroxide enters the ear, a bubbling sound will be heard.

It will kill all the good and bad bacteria inside your dog’s ears. It will also leave water behind in your dog’s ears.

This perfectly makes it a perfect place for bacteria to flourish in. As a result, it will lead to ear infections which can cause ear damage and ear loss.

This is not to say that you should never use Hydrogen Peroxide rather you should consult your vet to know if this case requires the use of it.

However, if you use it cautiously, you will not have any side effects.

Things to do before you clean your dog’s ears

Before you clean your dog’s ears, you will have to inspect their ears.

It is important to inspect their ears so if they have mites or an ear infection, you will need to go to the vet.

This is a crucial step before you try cleaning dogs ears with peroxide.


An ear mite is a tiny organism that is related to ticks. Ear mites can cause a condition known as mange.

In this condition, a dog constantly scratches leading them to injure themselves. It also causes hair loss in dogs.

Even though they are microscopic by nature, you can still see the signs.

Look out for signs of your dog having ear mite in their ears. There are signs that you can spot such as excessive scratching and shaking of dog’s head.

Other signs include constant scratching, a dark substance in your dog’s ears, and a dark crust in the ears.

If you find that your dog has mites, you have to go to the vet immediately.

So your vet can give your dog medication to kill the mites and treat the skin condition.


The other aspect that you need to check is whether your dog has an ear infection or not.

Some dogs are more prone to ear infections than others so you have to check their ears regularly.

Some of the signs of an ear infection are that your dog ears smell bad, are red in color, and feel hot when touched.

These symptoms can be signs of a bacterial or fungal infection.

If you find out that your dog has an ear infection, don’t proceed to clean your dog’s ears.

When ear infections are left untreated, it will lead to ear damage and in some cases permanent loss.

Tips when using Hydrogen Peroxide on your dog’s ears

How to clean dog ears with hydrogen peroxide

1.) Never use concentrated Hydrogen Peroxide that isn’t diluted with water.

Thus, it is best to mix the solution with equal parts of water and Hydrogen Peroxide.

Also if you are using a Hydrogen Peroxide product, make sure that it has 3 % of Hydrogen Peroxide in it so it isn’t so strong on your dog’s ears.

2.) Use a cotton ball and dip it into the ear solution. Make sure that the excess moisture is taken out and then you will use it to wipe your dog’s ear canal.

it is important to not use cotton swabs because it can cause damage to your dog’s ears if pushed further.

3.) After you have cleaned your dog’s ears with the Hydrogen Peroxide, you will need to use a fresh cotton ball that isn’t soaked in any solution. It must be dry so your dog’s ears will be dried out.

Steps on how to clean dog ears with Hydrogen Peroxide

There are steps used when cleaning dogs ears with peroxide. But first what are the supplies needed for the process.

Supplies you’ll need:

  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Cotton balls or pads
  • A dry cloth

Before you start make sure that you never use cotton swabs as this can damage your dog’s ears when pushed further.

This method can be used for cleaning dogs ears at home.

Here are the steps on how to clean dog ears with Hydrogen Peroxide.

Step one: Make your dog comfortable

Make sure that your dog is comfortable and relaxed.

To ensure that they remain calm while cleaning their ear, you can give them some kind of exercise such as taking them out on a walk.

This gets out the energy that they have and so they will be more likely to stay calm during the cleaning process.

After that, take out the time to pet them and rub their belly so they stay relaxed and feel happy about the cleaning process.

Step two: Mix the Hydrogen Peroxide and water together

Stir equal parts of Hydrogen peroxide and water together.

For example, if you add two tablespoons of Hydrogen Peroxide, mix with them two tablespoons of water.

The general rule is to add 1 part water for every 1 part Hydrogen Peroxide depending on your dog’s ears.

Step three: Dip a cotton ball into the mixture

Using a cotton ball, dip it into the mixture so that it isn’t really wet. Make sure that you remove the excess moisture.

Step four: Start massaging your dog’s ears

How to Clean Dog Ears with Hydrogen Peroxide: The Best Way |
Credited: dogsaholic

Gently massage your dog’s ears with the cotton ball. You have to start near the ear canal but not directly in it.

If you go too deep, you can damage your dog s ear canal. Make sure to massage the base of the ear carefully.

Continue massaging your dog’s ears and let the dirt and debris in your dog’s ears loosen.

Step five: Let your dog shake his head

How to Clean Dog Ears with Hydrogen Peroxide: The Best Way |

After you are done with step 4, allow your dog to shake his head. By allowing your dog to shake, you ensure that their ears are cleaned effectively.

This will help loosen your dirt and debris found in your dog’s ears.

Step six: Repeat

Repeat this process several times in each ear so that it is cleaned effectively. It is an important step in how to clean dog ears with Hydrogen Peroxide.

Continue to clean dog ears from the inside to the outside edges of the ear.

Step seven: Wipe out your dog’s ears with a dry cloth

In the final step of cleaning dogs ears with peroxide, you have to dry out their ears.

This happens by either using a dry cotton ball or dry cloth.

Simply, swipe their ears with the dry cloth or cotton ball.

Don’ts when cleaning your dog’s ears

  • Don’t use rubbing alcohol when cleaning your dog’s ears as it will cause your dog irritation. It can also cause harm to your dog’s ear flap.
  • Don’t scold your dog when cleaning their ears as they will become scared and it isn’t humane.


How to clean dog ears with Hydrogen Peroxide follows certain steps that will eventually clean your dog’s ears.

However, you must be careful while using Hydrogen Peroxide and follow certain tips so that you don’t harm your dog.

To know more information about cleaning dogs ears in general, check 6 Steps for How to Clean a Dogs Ears at Home.

And for Different Breeds, Different Cleaning Out Routines check Cleaning Out Dogs Ears: Home Remedies or Conventional Prescriptions?

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Welcome to my bio everyone, my name is Nada. Ever since I was little, I have loved animals because they are so loving and kind. All they need is you attention, love, and care but I didn't understand them very well because I didn't get the chance to raise them. Well, That changed when my family and I got our first dog Rocky, a German Shepherd. Rocky was fun and loving with funny quirks. Being loyal and protective of us, he made me see the nature of a German Shepherd. Now, we have another German Shepherd named Mia. She is a wonderful dog and a rescue who just needed a second chance in life. Mia has long grown from being a terrified dog to the brave and caring German Shepherd that she is today. P.S: Here is a picture of our beautiful German Shepherd, Mia.

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