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Answering the question: how long do dog teeth need to grow should be fairly simple.
like mentioned many times prior, every canine and feline and equine and other animal is unique and grows at their own speed. However, the answer to how long do dogs teeth need to grow can be answered by giving the average calculation for dogs.
Five stages of teething
I am sure you have heard of the five stages of grief, now get ready for the fives stages of teeth(ing).
Growing teeth is rarely fun. Your mouth sometimes bleeds, your gums hurt and you can’t eat properly.
1.The First Teeth
Puppies begin getting teeth once they start weaning from milk. This means that they stop drinking from their mother and start looking for an alternative source of food. This usually starts around five or six weeks of age. However, some late bloomers don’t start this process until they are eight weeks old.
Puppies have 28 ‘milk teeth’ and they’re the doggy equivalent of baby teeth. And as you can imagine, teething is painful for puppies. The little cuties will demonstrate their discomfort by gnawing on your shoes and other items within their reach. They do so to relieve some of the pressure they feel in their mouths, so you can’t really be mad at them.
Please remember to not yell at or punish your puppy for their behaviour, but instead guide them onto the right way. Rewarding their positive efforts also helps.
2. Loosing baby teeth

Puppies lose their baby teeth faster than it took them to come in. The baby teeth usually start falling out around one month after coming through.
At approximately the age of 3 months, a puppy will lose their first milk teeth. This process often begins with the incisors.
3. Four month molars
A puppy’s adult molars start to grow in around four months old. Most of their milk teeth should be out at this time. You should go see a veterinarian to see how many baby teeth are left.

4. Six Month Teeth Check
At six months old, a puppy should have nearly all of their adult teeth in place. Even if they are still a small boy/girl. Make sure that all teeth are growing correctly. Teeth that are crooked or causing the dog to have an overbite may need to be corrected before the teething process is completed.
this prevents long-term damage as untreated teeth could cause difficulties for your dog down the road.
5. Adult teeth
Yea, your pup is now a grown-up dog. Adult dogs have 42 permanent teeth, and all of the teeth are usually in by the time the pup is eight months old. Imagine an eight months old baby with all its teeth in.
The good news is this is usually the point when teething stops. Hopefully, no more shoes have to fall victim to the mauls of your beast.
On the other hand, if you haven’t taught your pup that chewing and gnawing on things is wrong, they may continue to do so just for fun.

You firsthand know how much damage a small puppy can do to slippers or your favourite book with mere 28 baby teeth. Now, imagine what they could do with 42 adult teeth!
So here we have how long do dogs teeth need to grow.
Pleases remember that it is never too late to train your dog. Sure starting late may make things a bit more complicated along the way.However, I do like to say:
Better late than never.
When do puppy teeth grow?
Your puppy is born deaf and blind. Their only senses at birth are taste, smell and touch. At the age of three weeks old, your puppy’s first set of temporary (baby teeth) begin to come out.
Furthermore, there are four main types of dog teeth: incisors at the very front, followed by canines, in the middle we have premolars and at the back of your dogs’ mouth the will hopefully sport some molars.
So, your puppy will start with 28 milk or baby teeth and grow into an adult dog with around 42 teeth in total.
What is the difference between puppy and adult dog teeth?
When your puppy first starts teething, it can be super duper adorable. And you will most likely want to help them ease the pain of teeth growing.
Firstly, puppies don’t have molars. There is simply no need as their puppy diet doesn’t consist of the breakdown of large particles.
Additionally, they have a role in the weaning process. since the mother doesnt want to be cut by the sharp nips, the puppy will have to find a different source of food. This itself is an important developmental milestone.
Puppies also use their jaw and teeth to learn and understand their bite pressure; known as bite inhibition. This usually happens when play fighting with siblings or even by nipping at their mother.
Adult’s canines and molars are more specialised for a mature dog’s diet, as they have molars which are used for harder and rougher types of food.
Fun fact: teeth are alive!
Dog’s teeth are living tissue, just like our own. Every tooth has parts to it – the actual tooth is the core and is also referred to as pulp. The pulp supplies nerves and blood vessels to the tooth in order to keep them healthy. It is covered by bone, which in turn is covered by dentine. Finally, the dentine is covered by enamel.
First advice: please don’t freak out when your dog is teething. The experience is already hard on them, and you freaking out about it only makes it harder for everyone involved. I am sure that with loads of patience, love and effort you guys can accomplish it.
So, here is my take on explaining how long do dogs teeth need to grow. You can give this a try if you want some more information on dog teeth diagrams or learn how to brush your dogs’ teeth painlessly. Read you next time!