GSD Finds and Guides First Responders To Burning House Through the Snow

GSD Finds and Guides First Responders To Burning House Through the Snow |

Buddy is a German Shepherd that guided first responders to his owner’s house while it was burning down.

[Scroll down to the end for video]

The old footage of the Hero German Shepherd has recently surfaced and has become popular on the internet, proving once more, that we don’t deserve dogs.

The clip, which was shot in Alaska in 2010 shows Buddy, a German Shepherd, running at an incredible speed to meet the first responders, who he then turned around and guided them as fast as possible back to the house.

Buddy’s efforts paid off and his owner survived the incident with only minor injuries.

Buddy was then presented with a special award from the Alaskan State Troopers to show appreciation and acknowledge his brave actions.

Here is the video

Dogs truly are amazing! Has your dog ever done something so incredibly heroic like Buddy? Share it with us in a comment or a message and we will happily share the story with the world!

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