Congratulation on your new puppy, as a dog parent I can tell you, That is the best decision you have ever made.
Keep in mind that with all the joy and affection that comes with welcoming this adorable creature to your life, comes a certain responsibility towards him, his feeding, training, and general well being, exactly like a human baby.
In this article, we will focus on the teething process of newborn puppy’s and how to care for dog baby teeth.
Here are all the questions that you may ask and all that you need to know about dog baby teeth,
But before we go any further let’s talk about the timeline of a teething puppy
Table of Contents
The Timeline of Dog Baby Teeth

Puppies have baby teeth just like humans babies, here is a comprehensive timeline of the teething process so you will know what to expect and prepare while your furry four-
legged friend goes into adulthood
Weeks 2 to 4:
During this period your puppy’s baby teeth will gradually start to show.
Weeks 5 to 6:
By the start of this period, all his baby teeth should have come in.
They should be about 28 baby teeth in total.
This is the stage when you will likely try to wean your puppy in the litter as they learn to eat hard soft moist puppy food.
Weeks 12 to 16:
losing the baby teeth. During this period, you may start to find little crumb or rice sized teeth around your puppy’s playing areas. This is an indication that your puppy is shedding his baby teeth and permanent adult teeth are emerging.
The transition from baby teeth to permanent teeth is a painful process for your puppy so he will need your help to ease it out a little bit.
You should offer your puppy safe chew toys, also check with your vet periodically to make sure everything is moving along as it should.

This is also the period when your pup is highly adaptable to new experiences around him.
So take advantage of that and familiarize him with you touching his mouth outside and in.
That will help you a lot in the long run as you’ll be setting your puppy up to be able to enjoy or at least tolerate getting his teeth brushed.
Keep in mind that the remaining baby teeth still razor sharp. Beware, or he will nip you.
6 Months and Older:
By the end of the first six months of your puppy’s age, he would have lost all his baby teeth and his adult teeth should have grown in. In general, there should be a set of 42 teeth in adult dogs that’s about 10 more than adult people.

If there are still baby teeth remaining, make sure to check with your veterinarian as they may need to be removed
Now for the frequently asked questions, you may have regarding dog baby teeth.
How to Care for a Teething Puppy?
OK before anything, I know you love your puppy dearly but try not to dramatize the whole teething process that he goes through.
It’s a natural part of his transition into maturity.

If the puppy is still engaging in normal activities like eating, drinking, socializing, grooming and exploring, then there isn’t really a problem.
If not then you may assume that the pain or discomfort is affecting his quality of life. and then you may take your puppy to the vet.
There isn’t much that you can offer at this stage. The only thing that you can do is to supply good, safe chews so that the dog can teethe on appropriate items.
Go to your nearest pet store and Look for toys that are flexible, soft and bend easily in your hand. If it is too hard to bend, flex or break, it is too hard for your dog.
How to Keep my dog’s Teeth Healthy?

Now after your puppy has grown his full set of teeth. It’s your job now to keep them that way
Dogs don’t have the sense to use their tongue to dislodge chewed food from their teeth. They don’t care if they have a stinking breath or if they have a bad smile.
It’s on you to give them the dental care they need.
That’s why you need to establish regular teeth brushing regimen and stick to it.
For the first brushing sessions, you can gently scrub the teeth with a finger brush or gauze pad.
Later you can transition to a toothbrush and canine toothpaste.
Toothbrushes should be soft, and toothpaste must be convenient for a dog’s system.
Don’t use human Toothpaste as it contains ingredients such as fluoride that can cause serious problems to your pup if he swallows it.
Baking soda and water can also make for a good toothpaste.

For more on how to brush your dog’s teeth check this article.
Another thing that you can during this crucial part of your puppy’s life is to set him up for later success in life by teaching him good mouth manners
While your puppy’s teeth are growing at this age, it’s a good time to including bite inhibition in his training and use certain commands such as “leave it” and “take it”.
Bite Inhibition

Puppies naturally tend to bite, It’s perfectly normal behavior for them.
At this young age, you will realize that puppies will nip at their littermates, roll around with each other, knock each other down, and cuddle this is all a part of their learning how to socialize and interact with their surroundings.
And this is How Bite inhibition training goes:
During your playtime with your puppy, he will definitely try to nip you.
If he ever nipped your finger, it’s advisable that you make him feel that he has done something wrong, a loud “ouch” would be sufficient.
Take your time “recovering” as you were “really hurt” then instruct him to come and resume playing.
If he does the same, pretend that you were hurt again and end the playing session this.
The repeating of this process will gradually teach your puppy that biting isn’t a good thing and will encourage him to use his “soft mouth” interacting with other living beings.
I hope this has helped and answered all the question you might have
Good luck on guiding your new puppy through these exciting first few months of his life!
And as always if you liked what you read here and want to read more check out my other articles on the consequences of bad dog teeth or Dazzling dogs with hair.
If you have any tips or questions, Feel free to tell me in the comment section
Have a nice day and read you next time.