Dog Flea and Tick Prevention

dog flea and tick prevention

Dog flea and tick prevention is the most important thing you must do because Flea and tick in dogs are one of the most common parasitic organisms that infect a dog in different stages of its life.
If you are a breeder and dog lover, be sure to learn this little bug that you find sometimes in the dogs’ body and cause a lot of inconvenience to your dog.

dog flea and tick prevention
Tick encephalitis on the nose of the dog. A dangerous insect a carrier of the disease

Dog flea and tick prevention

Many pesticides, or old insect killers, have limited impact strength because they are only effective for several hours after they are placed. Most of these compounds also affect adult or adult fleas. Flea powder, sprays and shampoos will kill the fleas on your dog right away. However, most of these products have little or no sedimentation in the tissues, so the fleas of your dog from the surrounding environment are not affected by these compounds. Therefore, your dog can be covered with fleas one day after washing against fleas, sprays, or after applying powders.

What is flea and tick in dog?

Tick: Tick ​​is one of the parasitic organisms that feed on mammalian blood of all kinds. The tick insect attaches to its prey from mammals through the mouth, and implants its fangs inside the animal or human body and then feeds on its blood.

Dog ticks, or ticks generally cause a lot of diseases, the most important of which are anemia, allergies, poisoning. The tick may also transmit certain diseases to the dog’s body, such as bacterial diseases and viral diseases.

The tick may also cause skin and fungal infections, and the immune system and the animal’s nervous system may be affected if it is not treated and protected from this dangerous insect.

In general, ticks affect mammals, particularly dogs, cats and also humans.

 dangerous dog insects that needs to be treated

Flea: The dog suffers from flea bites and shows it in the form of continuous itching and skin infections caused by it as it is the most common skin disease in pets.

Although this sensitivity begins to develop when the dog is young (beginning less than one to five years), allergy to fleas may begin at any age. Flea saliva is believed to be the cause of allergies.

Dog flea collars

To control fleas on dogs, the use of flea collars is the safest and most effective method
  Active ingredients in flea collars spread overtime to cover the entire body to provide maximum protection.
This ring controls the fleas, from 6 to 8 months depending on the collar.

What is the Dog tick look like to prevention Dog from flea and tick?

Dog ticks have many forms depending on the age of the tick and the life they develop. The tick may be brown or silvery sometimes, and it has a large, solid body.

The male body in a dog’s kitten is often smaller than the female’s body, and the adult dog’s tick differs from feeding. The full-fledged adult tick is larger than others.

So you can tell the duration of the dog’s infection with ticks by the size and number of ticks in his body.

dog flea and tick prevention

How does ticks affect the dog’s body?

The tick moves to the body of the dog through physical contact with other dogs infected with tick tick.

Ticks can also be transmitted in dogs through weeds in public parks, or through places where dogs play. The tick looking for a host provides her warmth, carbon dioxide and blood.

So they can easily reach the body of the dog and distinguish it by the smell of carbon dioxide on the skin of the dog, as well as different odors produced by the body of the dog.

How to detect ticks in a dog’s body

The tick is good at hiding in the dog’s body, which is easily noticeable. It may be difficult for dog breeders to notice it with the naked eye at first sight.

Dog ticks are often hidden in wet and hidden places in the dog’s body. So you have to check these places inside and outside accurately and slowly and not wheel, especially if you notice that your dog is touching any area in his body with persistence or obvious annoyance

You can detect ticks in dogs by checking your dog’s body by hand as follows:
Ticks cling to the skin of the dog as soon as the body enters, because it feeds on the blood as we explained before. As time passes the tick body grows and its movement becomes heavier and larger
Start from the dog’s head, move over your dog’s head, check the chin area, behind the ears and under the collar. These are places that are difficult for the dog to clean and easy to hide.
Slowly pass your hands on all parts of your body, look under your dog’s thighs and leggings because this place is difficult for the dog to clean easily
Complete your research slowly under the tail of the dog and around the anus because these places are also easy to hide the tick in them
Make sure not to hide the dog’s tick between the toes as well because a lot of ticks hide between the toes of the dogs

In this way, if you feel an orange or a parzo in the dog’s body looks like a small pea, this is definitely the tick you are looking for. Then you have to remove it in the right way. We will show you how to remove ticks in dogs.

Dog flea pill


Protect your dogs from fleas and ticks is the most convenient way, try out this Electric FLEACOMB™

Dog Flea and Tick Prevention |

What are the signs of ticks on the dog’s body?

The presence of small clots and clots of small lesions in the skin of the dog for no apparent reason is another sign of the presence of ticks
The head is also frequently ticked with ticks inside the dog’s ear even if you do not see it in the outside ear. If your dog repeatedly shakes his head with a clear cause, go to the veterinarian to check the dog’s ear using an otoscope.
The sudden rise in dog temperature may be a sign of a tick disease

What is the risk of ticks on dogs?

The presence of insect ticks on the body of the dog caused a number of damages, the most important of which:
The feeding of the tick insect on dog blood causes drought and increases the degree of dehydration seriously as the number of insects on the body of the dog, and should not underestimate the drought caused by the presence of insects in general, sometimes lead to the death.
Tick ​​tick insect is one of the most common skin allergies in dogs, which is allergic to an insect bite, a type of allergy spread throughout the body.
Also, bite tick insect to the skin caused the descent of a type of toxins with the saliva of the insect in some types of tick causing neural poisoning of the dog in a case known as tick paralysis.
Ticks are responsible for the transmission of many diseases to dogs and all mammals, including some types of blood parasites such as Pibizia and Anablazma.
All tick-borne diseases are highly dangerous and fatal

What should I do to get rid of fleas on my dog?

It is a simple question, but its answer is somewhat complex. Success in treating fleas has two important aspects. You must get rid of fleas from your dog, and you must get rid of fleas from the environment surrounding the dog. Since dogs and cats share the same flea type, having a cat in the environment around your dog makes it much harder to get rid of fleas. To estimate this complex flea disposal issue, you must understand something about the flea life cycle.

how to treat dog fleas and ticks

Check early ways of detecting and removing pet fleas

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