Australia’s Fires Will Kill Many More MILLIONS of Animals In Other Ways

Australia's Fires Will Kill Many More MILLIONS of Animals In Other Ways |

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Scientists at the University of Sydney have already predicted that more than 480,000,000 animals have died as a result of the firest since their start in September of last year.

These animals include mammals, birds, and reptiles. Unfortunately, these numbers don’t even take into account the impact on insects, bats, and frogs

But the animals that were burnt to death or chocked with smoke are not the only victims of the fires. Millions of Animals will have to be euthanized due to the severe injuries they have sustained.

Australia's Fires Will Kill Many More MILLIONS of Animals In Other Ways |

Millions of livestock were also among the animals that had to be put down.

They are so severely burnt that there is nothing better you can do other than end their suffering.

Dr. Megan Davidson, the CEO of Wildlife Victoria

Alan York from the University of Melbourne expects that two-third of the population of birds are at a risk.

Australia's Fires Will Kill Many More MILLIONS of Animals In Other Ways |

Even the animals that do survive will have a problem staying alive as the fires have caused a severe issue with the food, and many will struggle to find food that keeps them alive.

Australia's Fires Will Kill Many More MILLIONS of Animals In Other Ways |

Tens of thousands of people have already fled their homes or are doing so while you’re reading this article as the fire engulfs their homes.

According to authorities, more than 1,400 homes have been destroyed, and the smoke from the wildfires have caused the air quality to plummet and has even turned day time skied into near darkness in some parts of the country.

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