Poisonous plants for pets, and poisonous foods for pets! Remember when you were a little kid, and all that you wanted is a pet; to play with, care about, and watch him/her grow old.
I remember that too, and I also remember how I felt once I hold my dear pet, for the very first time, and how I would do anything to help my pet live a happy, healthy life.
Pet owners, typically, would do anything they can to take care of their dear pets. They will buy them food, toys, and even customs. Also, they will read all about poisonous foods they should avoid, and, of course, poisonous plants, too!
Poisonous plants are a very important topic. I chose to talk about it today; because I found out that not all pet owners know about poisonous plants for pets, in fact, some pet owners thought that there is only poisonous food.
Actually, there are a lot of plants; that you may find in gardens, landscapes, or even flower bouquet, that are poisonous plants for pets. Among the most familiar poisonous plants for pets are:
Table of Contents
Aloe Vera
We recently here about how Aloe Vera plants are so beneficial for our skincare routine, hair masks, and also some people drink Aloe Vera’s juice. And yes, Aloe Vera is a very important plant for us, as human; it’s great for our skin, hair

However, the Aloe Vera plant is something your pet should avoid. Because of the Saponins in this succulent, can cause your pet vomiting, diarrhea, and harm their nervous system.
Ivy is a wonderful houseplant; it can grow long and bring indoors that amazing feeling of the outdoors walks.

However, if you have a pet back home, stay away from this plant and don’t bring it home, ever. It can cause your pet vomiting, drooling, and severe pain.
Sago Palm
Sago palm plant is very popular in warmer climates, but it also very poisonous plants to pets. If you have a dog don’t you ever bring that plant home; because some dogs find it very delicious, but it can cause them liver failure, and even death.

Tomato Plant
According to the Pet Poison Helpline, a large amount from the tomato plant is extremely toxic for pets. A Tomato plant can cause your dog vomiting, diarrhea, and weakness.

I know it sounds ridiculous because most pets can eat the tomato, which is true. But, the problem is with the green parts, not the fruit itself. The same thing applies to the potatoes plant, because it is from the same family, as well.
Snake Plant
Snake plant is an astonishing plant that you can decorate your home with, and let it grow with those unbelievably amazing leaves shape. However, if you have a pet, you can’t put this plant anywhere near him/her.

Snake plant can cause your dog diarrhea, vomiting, drooling, and depression.
Avocado, both the plant and the fruit, is extremely poisonous for pets. So, keep that one also away.

Okay. Now we have come to the most heart-breaking part of the article;
Poisonous plants for pets (flowers).

Who doesn’t love those amazingly created flowers? Tulips are the most popular flowers, because of how beautiful it is. However, if you have a pet, or planning to have one; you can’t put Tulip around him/her, it can kill your pet.
Baby’s Breath
Baby’s flowers are flowers that you can find in every bouquet you have ever received. It’s those small flowers; that makes the bouquet complete.

Baby’s Breath flowers are also very toxic to your pet; it can cause vomiting, and diarrhea.

Another very common, very beautiful, and very poisonous plant for your pet. Milkweed will not just cause your dog diarrhea and vomiting, but it will cause him/her difficulty in breathing, kidney failure, and death.

Daffodil is a very beautiful flower, usually found in spring, but it can be extremely toxic for pets. Daffodil can cause your dog low blood pressure, tremor, vomiting, and diarrhea.

The lovely summer cheerful flowers can cause your pet general lethargy, diarrhea and vomiting. So, yes those are also flowers you can’t get, if you have a pet.

We love those amazing flowers, but they are extremely dangerous for our pet’s health. Amaryllis can cause hypersalivation, abdominal pain, and tremors for your dog.

That sweet-smelled flower that you can smell it even if you are not close to it, unfortunately, can cause your dog a violent tremor, and damage their mouth.
A very common, and colorful flower that, usually our very first sign to spring. Also, are extremely dangerous for our pets, and can lead to gastrointestinal upset for your pet.

Well, simply, no matter how amazingly beautiful those flowers are, it can cause your pet kidney failure.

It is very important to know that not all pets react the same, so some plants can be very toxic to a pet and cause only slight harm to others.
However, you should pay extra attention to the plants you are going to get indoors before you buy it; you need to know more about the plant and more about your pet.
With all of those poisonous plants around, you don’t want to risk. And we don’t recommend risking your pet’s life if he/she contacted a poisonous plant.
Pets are curious about smells, taste, and movement. So, if you got a new plant, your pet will defiantly try to chew, smell or lick, and we don’t want that to happen.
Therefore, before you get any plant, just do your homework, and know all about it, before you introduce it to your pet.
So, for me, I was surprised when I knew that all those plants are poisonous plants for my pet, did this information surprised you too? Tell me what surprised you more, and why?